Cwm Taf Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
The Cwm Taf Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) is the single point of contact for all professionals to report safeguarding concerns, across Cwm Taf. The Cwm Taf MASH comprises of staff from the Social Services, Education, Police, Health, National Probation Service and the Community Rehabilitation Company.
The Cwm Taf Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) is the first point of contact for new safeguarding concerns and has significantly improved the sharing of information between agencies, helping to protect the most vulnerable children and adults from harm, neglect and abuse.
For professionals who wish to report a concern, telephone 01443 743730
For more information please click here.
Report a Concern
To report concerns about a child in RCT call:
01443 425 006
To report concerns about an adult at risk in RCT call:
01443 425 003
Emergency Out of hours contact number:
01443 743 665
The Cwm Taf Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) updated forms
The following forms are available on the CTMSB’s website and can be accessed via this link:
Circulated on behalf of South Wales Police and Children’s Services
This is a new intelligence inbox for the police which relates to any information you may have in relation to young people being exploited; gossip about an off licence selling alcohol to under age young people, County Lines, adults hanging around a group of young people, known house party locations, drug dealing etc. Anything which could be of use to the Police.
On 6th July 2021, Alaw Primary was awarded CLA Friendly Schools PLATINUM award by the CLA Education Team.
A joint project commissioned using PDG LAC funding and developed between Rhondda Cynon Taf CBC and Merthyr Tydfil CBC.
It started in 2016/17 with the aim to promote good practice within schools and educational settings and achieve the Central South Consortium vision for CLA learners.
This project was composed of three elements
1. Handbook
2. Training programme
3. Quality Mark
The bilingual handbook was produced to assist all professionals supporting the education of children and young people who are Looked After.
All schools in RCT and Merthyr received a copy in September 2017 and this resource is available to download.
English Version
Training Programme
Level 1: Basic awareness and recognition of the factors that might lead to moving into care, an introduction to Attachment Theory and how all staff can effectively manage vulnerable pupils as they come into contact with them at school.
Level 2: More detailed training for individuals who have direct responsibility for CLA in schools. An opportunity to explore universal and targeted support for CLA and understand key messages for positive approaches to support CLA learners.
Level 3: In depth training for senior leaders with CLA responsibilities, designated persons for CLA and support staff working closely with CLA on a daily basis.
CLA Friendly School Quality Mark
A development team including the former Principal Educational Psychologist for both local authorities and now working at Cardiff University; Deputy Principal Educational Psychologist for RCT; CLA Advisory Teacher with CLA Education Team in RCT; the CLA Education Coordinators from both local authorities and Designated Persons from local schools devised an audit tool to recognise high standards of CLA practice.
Using research relating to NICE guidance, the development of Attachment Aware Schools in England, Welsh Government guidance and the building blocks identified in Chapter 3 of the CLA Friendly Schools handbook, a set of quality indicators (essential & desirable) were drawn up based on the 3 themes for making a school CLA Friendly.
1. Whole school systems & practice
2. Preventative approaches & building resilience
3. Responsive strategies to support pupils presenting with more challenges
A framework for excellence was developed so that schools could evidence their practice throughout an academic year.
Schools are able to achieve awards at two levels
Gold is composed of 44 indicators (36 essential and 8 desirable) and schools are expected to evidence practice against these, attend L1 & Level 2 training and achieve a score of 80% (including all essential indicators) or more.
Platinum highlights examples of sector leading and innovative practice in each 3 themes as well as the achievement of all Gold indicators (essential & desirable) and attendance at Level 3 training.
The criteria framework was piloted with 6 schools in RCT and 2 schools in Merthyr during the Summer Term 2018.
CLA Friendly School Quality Mark and criteria framework document was launched in October 2018 and following this event, 24 RCT and 6 MT schools registered their interest in becoming CLA Friendly Pioneer Schools.
Practice that enhances strategic planning and processes is an important aspect of the PDG LAC grant.
All schools within the Central South Consortium region are now required to link their planning to pertinent indicators from the Quality Mark audit tool.
The use of these Quality Mark indicators ensures that school leaders use the grant strategically to make the changes needed to improve the lives of CLA.
Central South Consortium Vision and Objectives
We believe that every Looked After and formerly Looked After pupil has the right to provision and support to enable them to fulfil their potential.
We should have high expectations for all pupils which then leads to achievement for learners in the academic and personal and social aspects of their lives irrespective of their circumstances.
Best practice is achieved when experience and expertise is shared and collaboration encouraged
For more information contact:
Rhian Smallwood,
CLA Advisory Teacher with CLA Education Team
Eye to Eye Young People’s Counselling Service/ Gwasanaeth Cwnsela ar Gyfer Pobl Ifanc-Eye to Eye
Beddau CEC
Bryn Celynnog School/Safle Ysgol Bryn Celynnog
Penycoedcae Road/Heol Penycoedcae
CF38 2AE
Tel/Ffon 01443 202940/ 0751 4038101