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Wales Outdoor Learning Week 2022 – What will you do for nature?

An important date for your diary! Wales Outdoor Learning Week will be running from the 28th of March to the 3rd April this year.  Organised by Natural Resources Wales and the Wales Council for Outdoor Learning, join the celebration as an educator, parent or learner and get outdoors.  The theme this year is nature – wherever you are in Wales, we are surrounded by nature so it couldn’t be easier for you to take part.  From a walk in the woods, a toddle along the beach, or a stretch in the park, just being around nature helps lower anxiety and stress levels, reduces our blood pressure, and encourages us to exercise and learn something new. 

A full calendar of events will be available on the Wales Council for Outdoor Learning website for you to tune into and keep an eye out on our social media platforms for ideas to try.  How will you celebrate our biggest and best classroom, the natural environment of Wales?  Whether you make a birdfeeder, measure a tree, identify what’s living in your pond or simply create some beach art, get outdoors and share your experiences with us:

#WalesOutdoorLearningWeek    #WythnosDysguAwyrAgored

@NatResWales     @_OLW_     @WalesCouncil4OL     


March 1st Return to School reminders, COVID updates and self isolation guidance


Primary Schools

Getting back to school and the school run


To keep your children safe and free from Coronavirus, schools have been making some important changes. Families can also play a part in keeping everyone safe.


Here are some tips on how to stay safe whilst at school.


Getting to and from school



  • If children are able walk or cycle to school, this is a great option.




  • If travelling by car, to avoid crowding at the school gates, park further away from the school and then walk. This also helps you to stay active.




  • If you transport children outside of your extended household (children under 11 only), make sure:







    • only the same group of children travel in your car.
    • windows are kept open
    • everyone washes or sanitises their hands before getting in the car




  • If you use public transport, parents and children need to wash or sanitise their hands before and after travel. Try to keep at least 2 metres apart from other passengers. Parents and children over the age of 11 also need to wear a three-layer face covering.


At the school gate





  • Don’t arrive at school too early to pick up and don’t stay too long in the playground.
  • Keep your 2 metre distance from others who are dropping off and try not to stay too long in the playground. This will help to reduce queues and allow other parents to drop off their children safely.


In school



  • Talk to your child about handwashing including how to wash their hands thoroughly with warm water and soap (for at least 20 seconds) and explain they will need to wash their hands regularly throughout the day.



Staying away from school



  • Do not attend school and self-isolate if you or your child:







    • have been contacted by a contact tracer and told that you must self-isolate (self-isolate for 14 days)
    • live in a household with a person who has tested positive for Coronavirus (self-isolate for 14 days)
    • have any symptoms of Coronavirus (self-isolate for 10 days)










    • reduced taste or smell (anosmia)
    • high temperature (above 37.8ºC)
    • new continuous cough




  • If your child has symptoms and you are waiting for their test results they must not attend school and must self-isolate.




  • If your child is a contact of a case, they must self-isolate for the full 14 days even if they have a negative test result.


Thank you – If we all do our bit to stop the spread of coronavirus,

the sooner we can all get back to normal.

St Davids Day Homework

Weather Warning from RCT Chief Executive Tue 27 Feb 2018


The council is closely monitoring the latest weather forecast and, based on the local and national updates, is preparing for a period of significant snowfall.


In order to give parents and carers as much notice as possible of the predicted disruption please read the following communication below.


"The council is closely monitoring the latest weather forecast and, based on the local and national updates, is preparing for a period of significant snowfall which is expected to impact on schools and Home to School Transport.


"A further update will be issued in due course which will take into account forecast updates but, based on the latest information, it is...


Likely that schools may need to close early on Thursday 1st March


Highly likely that schools may need to be closed on Friday 2nd March


Likely schools may need to be closed on Monday 5th March.


"This information is being provided to advise parents and carers of the potential impact of the predicted snowfall at the earliest opportunity.


NHS Measles Outbreak 2018