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Welcome to our Governors' section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.

What is the role of the Governing Body?

Governing Bodies exist so that schools are publicly accountable to local people for what they do, for the results they achieve, and for the way in which the resources are allocated. Each year the Governing Body produces an Annual Report which is sent to all parents, and there is an opportunity for parents to discuss the report and raise other issues with the governors at the annual general meeting.

What are the duties of a school governor?

Governors are expected to:
1. Agree the aims and values of the school
2. Agree policies relating to the aims, purposes and practices
of the school (eg National Curriculum, special educational
needs, discipline and attendance, sex education, etc).
3. Influence and approve the school development plan, and
approve and monitor the school budget
4. Make sure the national curriculum is taught
5. Monitor and review the school’s progress
6. Ensure individual pupils’ needs are met, including special
7. Assist in the recruitment and selection of staff
8. Give parents information about the school
9. Produce action plans for improvement following school
10. Establish and maintain positive links with the local
business community
11. Support the day to day operational decisions taken by the
12. Promote the effectiveness of the governing body
