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1st of June (after the Whitsun half-term)additional Hubs are opening

Dear Parents/Carers,

From the 1st of June (after the Whitsun half-term)additional Hubs are opening across the area to support our families and children. This increase in hubs is to address the growth in demand for emergency childcare across the County Borough. 

Porth Community School (PCS) is Alaw’s nearest Hub. Parents are encouraged to consider if they would like to send their children there however all hubs will be accessible to you to select from when you make your weekly application - however Alaw staff will only be based at PCS. Information is detailed on the RCT website and we would recommend you review these when you make an application for the week after half term as they may be more accessible to you but will not be supported by staff from your child's own school.

Please note that there is no official confirmation on when the re-opening of all schools in Wales will take place. We have however been provided with reassurance by the Minister of Education that a three week notice period will be given prior to any phased re-opening of schools. All national and local decisions will be informed by the current medical advice and guidance so that the health, safety and wellbeing of our children,

school staff and community remains our top priority focus.

Should you have any queries in relation to the hub provision, please contact or leave an answer phone message at school, email or email your child’s class teacher - details found on the school website

Your support in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

Miss Davies
