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Will your child be attending the contact days?

Letter to Parents



Dear Parent/Carer, 


We hope you are all keeping safe and well. Following last Wednesday’s Welsh Government announcement about the re-opening of schools from 29th June, we wanted to get in touch to let you know what will be happening. 


We fully appreciate that this is a huge decision to make. As Kirsty Williams said on Wednesday it is entirely up to you to decide if you wish to send your child/children to school and there will be no criticism of your decisions as parents/carers. 


Guidance from Welsh Government on how schools can re-open has been shared and here are some of our early plans. They are as follows: 

  • All pupils will have an opportunity to spend a day at school once a week for four weeks – i.e. all pupils will have four visits to school before the summer break 
  • Pupils will be in groups of approximately 6 in each class 
  • Pupils will remain in these bubbles all day and will not mix with any other bubbles 
  • One adult will stay with your child’s group throughout the day with an additional member of staff available for support within each team where possible 
  • The outdoor space will be used as much as possible 
  • Desks/tables/individual spaces will be 2 metres apart 
  • All excess furniture will be cleared from teaching spaces – classrooms will be very minimalistic 
  • All pupils will have their own personal stationery pack (they will not share pencils, pens etc) 
  • All surfaces will be wiped down regularly during the school day 
  • There will be a staggered start, finish, break and lunch time 
  • Pupils will only be allowed in their own classroom and in the nearest toilets
  • Cleaners will be onsite all day 
  • A robust Risk Assessment will be in place 
  • All teachers will continue to provide Home Learning via seesaw 


Throughout this week and next, we will be taking action to prepare to implement all new expectations but must be transparent with you and tell you that this will be a lengthy process.  We fully understand that this is a confusing and possibly very worrying time for many of you but assure you that we will do our best for your child(ren), within the constraints that we must face and adhere to. 


In addition to welcoming children back to school for one day a week for the four weeks, Alaw will be open Monday to Friday from 29th June as a Hub provision for our own identified vulnerable pupils and children of key workers.  It is vital that we are made aware of changing shift patterns in advance in order for us to attempt to accommodate pupils. 


As a school, we need to determine the number of children who will be accessing both our school and Hub provision. Please email the class teacher ASAP regarding your decision if you wish your child to attend or DO NOT wish your child to attend school no later than the 22nd June. If you have any further questions, then please message the teachers on Seesaw or via their emails.



Yours sincerely  


Staff and Governors of Alaw Primary School  




